Thursday 19 June 2014

Da’wah: Meaning & rules ..


Da’wah in Arabic means to invite. Essentially, da’wah has two dimensions: external and internal. External da’wah is to invite non-Muslims to Islam and teach them about Islamic beliefs and practices. Internal da’wah (also known as Islah) is to teach Muslims about aspects of Islam

Importance of Da’wah.

The importance of da’wah can be concluded from the ayaat of surah al-Asr:

“By Time. Indeed mankind is in loss. Except for those who believe, do righteous deeds, and exhort people to Truth & exhort people to patience”.
It is clear from the above verses that a person will not go to paradise unless he possesses the above mentioned four qualities. There is a duty upon this ummah to call towards good and forbid evil for the whole of mankind. It is necessary for everyone in the ummah to perform da’wah according to his or her ability.

In his last sermon Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“Convey what you have received from me, even if it is a verse.” (Bukhari, Muslim chapter on Hajj)
This Hadeeth and the reference from the Qur`an prove that da’wah is wajib and that every Muslim, according to their skill, and according to the opportunities Allah gives them, should engage in it.

Necessary Qualities of a Da’i

1. The intention of the da’i should be to please Allah Ta’ala and not for any other reason e.g. riya (showing off).
2. The da ‘i should have as broad a base of knowledge as possible. (S) He should read the Qur’an and the Ahadeeth with commentary. Comparative religion books are also of great benefit.

3. When the da’i begins da’wah, he should be constant in it. Results often take place only after some time, and so one should be aware of the stamina and efforts that are required.

4. The da’i should be aware that da’wah will test them with many situations that will demand patience, politeness and kindness.

5. When the da’i contacts the mad’u, (One who is invited), (S)he should keep up the contact. The power of supplication (du’a) should also never be underestimated. The da’i should persist in du’a, that Allah keeps the mad’u upon the Sirat al-Mustaqim and gives the mad’u strength to face all challenges during this period.

6. The da’i needs to use wisdom and tact, for example, when informing someone not to continue in a prohibited act. This is not as easy as it seems, particularly today, when many people have come to regard some of the disliked or prohibited actions as simply ordinary so cannot understand any objection to them. Hikma (wisdom) is required to make people see the error of their ways. It also takes hikma to recognize who will want to or be able to stop immediately and who will need a more gradual approach.

7. When the da’i approaches the mad’u, (S)he should find out what their interests are and make conversation with them around that point.

8. A da’i approaching a mad’u should have the intention to convey the message of Islam not the intention to debate/embarrass/insult the mad’u. It is not a matter of winning or losing since if it were, the mad’u would spend more time concentrating upon defending himself rather than listening to the message that is being conveyed. Sometimes a da’i can win the debate but lose the mad’u.

9. When the da’i approaches the mad’u, he should correct misconceptions. For example: when talking to a Christian, he could mention how the Qur’an makes numerous references to Mary and Jesus. This would make them curious and want to read the Qur’an to see for themselves what Allah has revealed concerning it.

10. The da’i should be generous and hospitable, not miserly and reclusive. Hospitality is a very effective way of performing da’wah. If you have been very hospitable but the mad’u has not yet accepted Islam, the da’i should not become angry or disheartened because it is only Allah Ta’ala who has the power to change the hearts of people.

11. The da’i should talk to the mad’u according to his intellect and understanding, without overloading the ma’du with information but at the same time making steady progress.

12. The da’i should be friendly and easily approachable so that the mad’u feels at ease around him/her and not afraid to ask questions.

13. The da’i should not be afraid to say, ‘I don’t know, but I will find out for you.’ No-one is expected to know everything.

14. If the mad’u becomes a Muslim, it is the responsibility of the da’i to teach him/her the basic teachings of Islam and to bring them into contact with other Muslims. In this way Allah Ta ‘ala ensures they are protected, in good company and guided on Islamic matters.

15. When Muslims are giving internal da’wah, they should start by providing an example to others. They should be role models who embody the teachings of Islam, internally as well as externally. They should be soft and kind-hearted to their brothers and sisters and help in any way that they can.

16. A da’i should use words that are common and easy to understand. Remember, da’wah is not to show off ones vocabulary skills. One must not use words that put the mad’u in need of consulting dictionary every time one says something

_ jom bersama ISLAM_

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